5 Signs You Should See A Rheumatologist

Posted on: 13 April 2021
A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating arthritis and other diseases that affect the body's joints and bones. If you suffer from arthritis, you likely see this healthcare professional quite often. While there is no cure for arthritis, you can improve your symptoms by seeing your doctor on a regular basis and making the necessary lifestyle changes. Here are a few signs you should make an appointment to see a rheumatologist.
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Helping Your Dog Through The Aging Process: How Anti Aging Supplements May Be Able To Help

Posted on: 9 March 2021
Household pets struggle with many of the same health issues as their owners do as they go through the aging process. For instance, many dogs will suffer from issues of arthritis and inflammation in their joints, problems with digestion, and overall fatigue. The good news is, just as nutritional supplements can help you get through the aging process with fewer aches and pains, anti-aging supplements for dogs can help your family pet to live a higher quality of life and potentially even help to extend your pet's life.
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Spinal Rehab Treatments For Spinal Stenosis

Posted on: 23 November 2020
Spinal stenosis can cause severe pain, balance problems, and limited range of motion. This condition refers to the narrowing, or stenosis of the spinal column, and when this happens, pressure may be placed upon the nerves of the spinal cord. Because the symptoms of spinal stenosis can mimic other disorders such as a herniated disc, sciatica, and degenerative joint disease, it is essential to seek a proper diagnosis so that your physician can implement a treatment plan, which may include spinal rehab.
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Comparing IVF With IUI: Which Fertility Treatment Is Right For You?

Posted on: 23 November 2020
If you are looking at different fertility treatments, you and your partner may be overwhelmed with your options. You may be wondering whether you should start with in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). Read on to get an overview of both and to see which treatment may better fit your needs. What's the Difference Between IVF and IUI? In basic terms, IVF is a treatment where eggs and sperm are combined outside of the patient's body in a lab.
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