About Hearing Aids

Posted on: 9 May 2017
Introduction to Hearing Aids Hearing aids are artificial devices worn in the ears that help with hearing. They are typically used by the elderly as they lose their hearing, or by partly or mostly hearing-impaired people of any age. Different types of external hearing aids have been used for several centuries. The first electric hearing aids were made at the end of the 1800s. By end of the 1900s, digital hearing aids were already starting to be used.
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Is Your Anxiety Becoming A Literal Pain In The Neck? What Are Your Options?

Posted on: 9 May 2017
Waking up with occasional neck pain -- whether from mild trauma from a car or bicycle accident or something as innocuous as sleeping in an odd position -- can be a fact of life for many adults, and in most cases, this neck pain can resolve itself without additional treatment. However, those living with generalized anxiety disorder may find that their anxiety can become a literal pain in the neck at times, leading to chronic pain, stiffness, and reduction in the range of motion.
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Rock Of Ages: When Your Kidneys Are Full Of Stones And What You Can Do About It

Posted on: 9 May 2017
Kidney stones are a sign of old age. Because these stones take a long time to develop in your kidneys, they are literally the "rock of ages." Unfortunately, at the same time that you learn that you have tons of kidney stones, you are trying to deal with lots of other unpleasant and age-related problems. When those other problems also include your kidneys as the source, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do medically to make it all better.
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Tips For Caring For Someone With Prostate Cancer

Posted on: 9 May 2017
If you have a loved one that is diagnosed with prostate cancer, there is a good chance that you are worried about his well-being. You might be taking the role of active caregiver so that your loved one is able to get to doctor's appointments and come in for treatment. Here are some tips for caring for someone that has prostate cancer. 1. Model Stamina Boosting Habits Recovering from prostate cancer takes a ton of energy.
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