Rare Diseases: Diagnosing And Treating Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction

Posted on: 9 May 2017
Chronic intestinal pesudo-obstruction (CIPO) is one of many rare diseases that is difficult to identify and treat. An accurate and prompt diagnosis can improve outcomes and reduce the risks of complications. Causes CIPO can be a primary of secondary disease. In its primary form, there are no know underlying conditions that have attributed to the occurrence. Many people with CIPO are considered to have the secondary form because an underlying condition, such scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, or lupus has affected the intestines.
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Does Psoriasis On Your Scalp Have You Avoiding Dark Clothing?

Posted on: 9 May 2017
Suffering from psoriasis is rarely a pretty picture -- and if your psoriasis is confined primarily to your scalp, you may find yourself avoiding dark clothing and even certain hairstyles in an effort to avoid the conspicuous flaking you often experience. Unfortunately, most of the over-the-counter products designed for dandruff and flaky scalps won't work if psoriasis is the primary culprit, and you may find yourself with an expensive selection of hair products that haven't had any noticeably positive impact on your issues.
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Tips For Dealing With Pregnancy Rhinitis

Posted on: 9 May 2017
If you are going through pregnancy, you might find that you constantly have a stuffy nose, especially if you are in your first trimester. This is a symptom of pregnancy rhinitis, which is very common. Pregnancy rhinitis is caused by hormonal changes that happen to your body when you have a child growing inside of you. These hormonal changes can cause the lining of your nose to get swollen. This can result in your nasal cavities and nasal passages getting totally blocked off.
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Questions To Ask Yourself Before Hiring A Newborn Care Specialist

Posted on: 9 May 2017
If you are a new parent, you have a lot on your plate. You might be physically recovering from the pregnancy. You might be trying to balance your finances to best prepare yourself for the future of your child. A professional newborn care specialist can be a huge help because he or she will allow you to feel confident that your newborn is getting the level of care that he or she needs.
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