Top 5 Ways Doctors Use Laser Surgery That You Didn't Know About
Posted on:
14 April 2015
When most people think of laser surgery, they think of eye surgery or cosmetic surgery. But did you know there are other ways doctors can use laser surgery? Laser surgery can be used to treat medical conditions of the ears and nose. Here are the top five medical conditions that can be treated with laser surgery:
1. Turbinate Hypertrophy
People with turbinate hypertrophy have a condition in which the small bones in the nose enlarge.
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Eight Common Myths About Contact Lenses
Posted on:
1 April 2015
Many people in need of corrective lenses don't try contact lenses because they are dissuaded by certain myths about this form of vision correction.
Contact lenses offer a get deal of convenience in comparison to traditional glasses, so it's important that optometry patients know the truth about these devices.
The following are eight of the most common contact lens myths that sometimes scare people away from contact lenses:
It's not comfortable to wear contact lenses.
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Five Great Types Of Shoes For Idiopathic Toe Walkers
Posted on:
16 March 2015
Idiopathic toe walking refers to the phenomena of kids walking exclusively on their toes. While many toddlers position their foot in this way when they first begin to walk, other children carry the pattern into their childhood. If your child is one of them, you may find it challenging to find shoes.
To support your child and their feet, here are five types of shoes to consider.
Shoes with heels of any kind may encourage your child to stay on their toes, and heels may even exacerbate the problem by making it too easy for your child's foot to dip forward as they walk.
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Finding Your Niche As A Health Care Worker
Posted on:
4 March 2015
When looking for a way to enter the health care profession, you'll find several paths that you can take. Some require years of schooling and thousands of dollars of commitment for the initial education. But there are other entry-level options to get into health care quickly and affordably. You'll get experience in the field, and then you can decide if you want to pursue more advanced training opportunities. Here are two different ways to start a career in the health care field.
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