Go Beyond A Single Treatment: 4 Ways Dermatology Compounding Can Improve Your Life

Posted on: 29 May 2019
If you thought compounding was only for use with internal medications, you were mistaken. Compounding provides a wide variety of benefits for the treatment you receive from your dermatologist. Here are just four of the ways you can benefit from dermatology compounding. Clear Up the Acne If you suffer from severe acne and your over-the-counter treatments are ineffective, it's time to talk to a dermatologist. There are a wide variety of dermatology compounds that have been proven effective in treating severe acne, including adult-onset acne.
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2 Often-Dismissed Symptoms Of A Heart Attack You Should Never Ignore

Posted on: 10 May 2019
When you think about heart attack symptoms, you may picture what they show in the movies and on television, with the character clutching their chest and falling to the floor. While this does happen, there are also other subtler symptoms that are often dismissed by a person until it is too late. If you ever start having the following symptoms of a heart attack, do not ignore them, and get medical care right away.
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3 Ear Infection Misconceptions

Posted on: 18 March 2019
From a dull ache and pain to losing the ability to hear and sleep, an ear infection can wreak havoc on your quality of life. Fortunately, help is available if you have developed an ear infection. With this guide, you will learn a few common misconceptions regarding ear infections, the signs, and treatment options. Ear Infections Always Cause Pain One of the most surprising myths you may believe is that ear infections always cause pain.
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Medications Your Pediatrician May Not Prescribe For Your Child And Why

Posted on: 9 February 2019
Pediatricians tend to prescribe all kinds of medications to help kids and teens. Some of those medications may even be prescribed off-label for other conditions. However, there are several medications that your pediatrician may not prescribe for your child, and with very good reason.  ​Risperdal (Anti-Anxiety) ​Risperdal was prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication. It was also prescribed off-label as a treatment for bipolar disorder. It was not until patients had been taking the drug for a while that a major side effect of the drug became apparent.
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