When Your 9 To 5 Causes Back And Neck Pain 24/7: 4 Possible Solutions
Posted on:
7 June 2017
Back and neck pain are bad enough, but when your very job is the problem, your solutions can be limited. It's not like you can quit your career or call in sick when the aches and pains set in. So what are you to do when your work is a literal pain? First, arrange for a physical with your doctor, to rule out more serious conditions like a bulging or herniated disc, sciatica, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis or an actual injury.
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2 Reasons To See A Pain Management Specialist
Posted on:
31 May 2017
One of the worst parts about having any type of chronic pain is being able to alleviate the pain enough to actually be able to have a decent quality of life. Thankfully, a major pain management specialist can help you deal with your chronic pain issues and a variety of ways, such as the two listed below.
Help You Sleep More Easily
One way that a pain management specialist can help you out is by helping you to sleep more easily.
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3 Signs Of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction In Women
Posted on:
25 May 2017
The pelvic floor muscles in women are designed to support and assist in the function of the bladder, vagina, rectum and uterus. Unfortunately, many women find that over time, their pelvic floor muscles do not function as they once did. Luckily, there are treatment options, such as certain exercises that can be performed or even pelvic reconstructive surgery. If you have pelvic floor dysfunction, your doctor can talk to you about your options.
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Tips For Alleviating Your Baby's Cold Symptoms
Posted on:
19 May 2017
If your baby is miserably sick with a cold, then you will be pleased to know there are many things you can do to help them feel better. While there is no cure for the common cold, you can take simple steps to alleviate your baby's cold symptoms by following each of the following tips:
Tip: Use a Nasal Aspirator to Remove Excess Mucous
When your baby is sick, they are unable to clear their own mucus by blowing their nose, so you need to help them with the process.
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