Planning For Successful Post-Hip Rehab

Posted on: 2 January 2019
If you're planning to have a hip replacement procedure in the near future, you may be excited at the prospect of increasing your mobility while decreasing your chronic joint pain. However, much of what goes into a positive joint replacement experience will depend on your post-op rehab, including physical therapy and adherence to your surgeon's instructions. Read on to learn more about some of the ways you can set yourself up for success.
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5 Reasons To Consider Using A Family Doctor

Posted on: 30 November 2018
Family doctors may seem like they are not as important as they were in the past. This is partly due to the proliferation of specialists. But there is still an important place for a family doctor, and you should consider using one. The following are a few reasons for this. 1. They treat your entire family  There are general practitioners in the medical field. Often called doctors of internal medicine, they treat adults.
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What Is Stem Cell Therapy?

Posted on: 10 October 2018
Have you ever heard the term stem cell therapy but really have no idea what it is? If so, you're certainly not alone. Compared to other types of research in the medical field, this type of therapy is relatively new. Stem cells were first discovered in 1978, but it wasn't until 1998 that scientists were able to obtain stem cells from human embryos. Before this, they were only able to get them from mice, hamsters, and primates.
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A Man And Cannot Reach A Full Erection? 2 Treatment Options To Choose From

Posted on: 17 September 2018
If you are a man and cannot reach a full erection during sex, your spouse is likely complaining about this. This may also end up putting a lot of stress on your relationships. This problem is known as erectile dysfunction, which can be treated in many ways, two of which are listed below. You can then get the treatment you need to get your sex life back to normal. Implanting a Penile Prosthesis
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