Safe Ways To Spend Down Your Assets In Order To Qualify For Medicaid
Because of the fact that Medicaid is needs based, you might find that you currently do not qualify for it because you have too many assets. However, you might know that you need long term health care or some other intensive form of care that is going to cost you a lot more than you have in savings and assets. As a result, you will need to spend down your assets in order to get them below the threshold that will allow you to qualify for Medicaid.
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Home Care Tips For Ventilator Dependent Children
If you have an infant or child that is dependent on a ventilator for breathing, there is a good chance that you will do whatever you can to make sure that he or she is able to thrive. This can be frustrating because the level of medical care that your child needs might be more than you are able to provide on your own. However, you also want to make sure that your child is able to stay in your home so that you can bond with him or her.
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MRI 101: 4 Helpful Tips For Reducing Feelings Of Claustrophobia
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine is a handy tool that allows doctors to see inside the body. It is very helpful for detecting a number of diseases. Unfortunately, MRI machines are often closed in. This can make people feel trapped – and may even induce feelings of claustrophobia. Luckily, you can make going through an MRI scan feel more pleasant by implementing these four tips: 1. Utilize Aromatherapy One helpful tip is to use the power of aromatherapy to help you relax during the MRI.
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Common Concerns About Spinal Compression Fractures
Back problems can cause tremendous disruptions and quality of life issues for those that are unfortunate enough to suffer from them. These problems can have a variety of causes, and patients that are unfamiliar with back issues are unlikely to have all of the information that they need. In particular, people are often unaware that it may have been possible for them to have suffered a spinal compression fracture. Are There Warning Signs That Patients May Be Suffering From Spinal Fractures?
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Six Practical Tips For Talking With Your Children About Drugs And Substance Abuse
For many parents, it can be daunting to talk with their children about drug use and abuse. However, these conversations are essential, and they may help your child avoid a serious substance abuse issue. Here are some practical tips to help you. 1. Always Answer Questions Whether your child is three or thirteen, if they have a question about drugs, you should answer it. Younger kids may have heard about drugs on public service announcements, while older kids may have seen or heard their peers talking about it.
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Choosing A Primary Care Physician For Your Kids: 3 Factors To Consider
Your kid has a weaker immune system than you do, which is why they are typically more susceptible to getting sick. For example, a child can get 8 colds per year or even more. This doesn't even take into account additional diseases, disorders, and ailments that your child may succumb to. With that in mind, you can expect to make a couple of trips to the doctor's office each year. Having a designated primary care physician that your child sees most of the time can be beneficial.
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Should You Poke, Kick, Or Prod? How To Handle A Snoring Husband
If your spouse is keeping you up at night due to snoring, it can be difficult on a marriage, and it is usually most difficult on the one that is not snoring. Below are some tips on how to handle the snoring so you can get some much-needed sleep. Sleep Apnea Before you do anything, your spouse should see a doctor, as there may be a medical reason why they are snoring.
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What You Should Know About Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are becoming more and more popular. This is because the procedure is becoming more affordable and the quality of the products is increasing. If you have ever noticed that a popular movie star who once had a crooked smile or discolored teeth and quickly had both a perfect smile and teeth, this is generally the result of having received dental veneers: What Are Dental Veneers? Dental veneers are small thin porcelain caps that are shaped specifically to your teeth and applied with a bonding agent or adhesive.
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Calming Your Dog's Unsteady Nerves Before Attending Doggy Day Care
Doggy day care is becoming a popular way for busy dog owners to ensure that their best friends get the care and attention necessary while they are at work. Unfortunately, many dogs will be very unhappy about attending day care and may lash out at their handlers. Calming your dog's nerves can help them transition to a new environment quickly and safely. Introduce It to the Other Dogs One of the major problems your dog may run into with doggy day care is a dog which it's uncomfortable with or whom it simply doesn't like.
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Things You Need To Consider When Choosing A Funeral Home
When you're pre-planning your funeral choosing a funeral home is one of the most important decisions that you'll make. However, if you're like most people, you probably haven't put much thought into how funeral homes differ. There are more things to consider than the cost of the funeral home's services. So, before you decide to choose the cheapest option, make sure you discuss these things with the funeral director. Traditional Funeral Service
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