
  • How Does Contingency Management Work As An Addiction Treatment Program?

    If you are struggling to control an addiction, then you can consider trying new treatment programs. For example, a contingency management treatment might help you modify and control your addictive behavior and habits. How does contingency management work in this context? How might it help you? What Is A Contingency Management Treatment? Contingency management uses rewards to help people keep their addictions under control. These programs use positive reinforcement to reward positive behavior and, sometimes, to give a consequence to negative behavior.
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  • Why Pediatric Dental Care Services May Help Your Family

    When it comes to the dental health of your family, it is common to find a general dentist who works with people of all ages. This way, everyone in your family can see the same dentist. You will probably even make everyone's appointments for the same day. While there is nothing wrong with this, you may want to consider taking advantage of pediatric dental care services for your children. Here are a few reasons this could be a better choice.
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  • What Immunizations Should You Have Before College?

    Heading off to college can be such an exciting change. However, it is important to make sure you're fully prepared for this change, and that includes making sure you've received all of the essential immunizations needed to protect you from disease while you're there. What immunizations are recommended for college students? Here are some key ones doctors generally recommend. Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord.
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  • Cancer Treatment Options For Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Basal cell carcinoma is a common type of skin cancer that typically affects adults. It is a slow-growing type of skin cancer that typically does not metastasize, or spread to other parts of the body. Basal cell skin cancer is most often caused by excessive sun exposure and it typically develops on the head, face, and neck. While most basal cell carcinoma skin cancers typically do not metastasize, they need to be examined and treated, since they are classified as cancers.
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  • Six Things To Not Do When It Comes To Covid Testing

    Covid tests are an important tool that is available in the fight against Covid. However, testing has to be done properly when it's needed for it to be effective.  Unfortunately, there are some commonly made mistakes out there regarding Covid testing. The following are six things to not do when it comes to Covid testing.  Procrastinating about getting tested You need to get tested for Covid as soon as possible after you've started showing symptoms or after you've been in contact with an infected person.
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  • Making Colonoscopy Prep More Pleasant

    Most people who have had a colonoscopy will tell you that the worst part of the test was not even the test itself. They were under anesthesia for that part, after all. The worst part, they often say, was the prep. Indeed, preparing for a colonoscopy can be a bit uncomfortable and also yucky. It involves drinking a laxative solution that clears out your system so that the next day, your doctor is able to get clean, clear images of your colon.
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  • 3 Tips For Buying Medical Cannabis Concentrate Pens

    Cannabis is now a widely accepted method to improve health and wellness. If you're like most people, you've got some sort of psychological stress, pain, or other issues that cannabis can help with. It's an all-natural plant with plenty of health benefits, and today's researchers and manufacturers have created medical cannabis concentrate pens that carry large and potent doses. The article below will teach you all about cannabis concentrate, so you can use it however you'd like.
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  • 5 Signs You May Need To See A Dental Surgeon

    It is important for people of all ages to make their oral health a top priority. Taking excellent care of your teeth and gums can reduce the risk of serious oral health problems down the line. It is also critical to know when you may need oral surgery. Here are a few signs that you may need to see a dental surgeon. You Have Loose Teeth Whether caused by gum disease or an accident, loose teeth should never be ignored.
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  • What Happens In A Prenatal Visit?

    If you are a pregnant woman, you have no doubt been looking forward to the time when you can actually meet your little baby and hold them in your arms. Fortunately, if you have a good doctor through your prenatal care, they can help your pregnancy to go as smoothly as possible. While every doctor is slightly different, most will want to check in with you at least monthly in your first two trimesters and then twice monthly in your third trimester.
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  • Academic Struggles In Young Children Could Be Connected With Hearing Impairment

    When young children struggle in school, especially if they previously were doing well academically, the parents might take the youngster to an optometrist for a vision check. If testing does not find vision problems, the parents may be perplexed about what is wrong. Since hearing loss is unusual in this age group, they might not suspect that the child has developed this particular problem. If the youngster has lost some hearing ability due to disease or trauma, hearing aids will be beneficial.
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