5 Signs You May Need To See A Dental Surgeon

Posted on: 7 October 2021

It is important for people of all ages to make their oral health a top priority. Taking excellent care of your teeth and gums can reduce the risk of serious oral health problems down the line. It is also critical to know when you may need oral surgery.

Here are a few signs that you may need to see a dental surgeon.

You Have Loose Teeth

Whether caused by gum disease or an accident, loose teeth should never be ignored. Besides affecting your physical appearance, loose teeth can lead to speech problems, difficulty eating, and bone loss. A dental surgeon may be able to perform dental implant surgery to restore your smile.

You Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can cause you to snore loudly and have trouble breathing while you sleep. It is a serious medical condition and shouldn't be taken lightly. If other treatment methods, such as a CPAP machine or an oral appliance, have not worked, dental surgery may be the next option. During the procedure, a dental surgeon can remove soft tissue from your jaw to help you breathe a lot easier.

You Have Jaw Misalignment

If your jaw is not properly aligned, you may have difficulty chewing food, speaking, and sleeping. You may also experience headaches and facial pain. Dental surgery may be required to correct a misaligned jaw. For instance, if your uneven jaw is due to a crossbite, an oral surgeon may have to move the upper jaw and teeth forward.

Your Wisdom Teeth Must Be Removed

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, you may experience swollen gums, persistent pain, and difficulty opening your mouth. Without proper treatment, wisdom teeth can eventually damage other teeth and increase your risk of gum disease. A dental surgeon can remove your wisdom teeth through surgery.

You Have Moles

If you have noticed unusual moles on your face, you may want to get in touch with a dental surgeon as soon as possible. They can perform a biopsy to see if the moles are cancerous or not. If they are cancerous, the surgeon may be able to surgically remove them.

If you are displaying any of the following signs, you should schedule an appointment with a dental surgeon right away. They can evaluate your condition and determine if oral surgery is necessary or not. Do not hesitate to ask plenty of questions during your appointment. Contact a local dental surgery clinic to learn more.
