Health Medical

  • Signs Of A Severe Allergic Reaction And When To Seek Treatment

    According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, over 50 million people in the U.S. have some form of allergy or allergic response to certain stimuli. If you've been diagnosed with an allergy, it can be a very scary situation to think about facing. Whether you get stung by a bee or you ingest something that has triggered an allergic response, here are some signs to watch for if you feel you're experiencing an allergic reaction.
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  • Hearing Aids: Which Type Is Best for You?

    Hearing loss affects a surprisingly high number of individuals in the United States alone.  According to the Center for Hearing and Communication, approximately 38 million people in the country alone have experienced some form of hearing loss.  With this being said, it should come as no surprise that a large number of people are turning to hearing aids to help improve or restore their sense of hearing.  If you are one of many who are considering hearing aids, you may be confused or even overwhelmed by which type of hearing aid is best for you, as there are so many different options.
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  • How Does Chiropractic Care Treat Ear Infections?

    Treating persistent ear infections has become one of the most common reasons for chiropractic care in children. Ear infections account for a large portion of doctor's office visits among young patients, and they can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort.  In recent years, an increasing amount of attention has been centered on treating conditions like ear infections in a natural way that doesn't require drugs like antibiotics. Chiropractic care is one of the most prominent natural methods for treating ear infections.
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  • How To Make Computer-Aided Repairs To Your Smile In Minutes

    In the past, getting a new crown, veneer, or other tooth repair could take weeks. You'd go to the dentist with a problem, the dentist would identify the problem and a suitable solution—which would take time and several appointments to design, mold, and install to perfection. While you waited, you'd have to manage with the pain or cosmetic issue that had originally brought you to the dentist in the first place.
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  • 2 Reasons To Visit A Walk-In Clinic

    Getting the medical care you need without a previous appointment or hassle is one reason to visit a walk-in clinic. Being provided with the care you need while out and about is a huge convenience for most people. Knowing the reasons to visit a clinic of this type may motivate you to do so. Reason #1: Common illnesses Did you wake up feeling under the weather? By visiting a walk-in clinic, such as West Ocean City Injury & Illness Center, you can have a number of common ailments treated easily.
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  • 4 Tips For Saving Money When Buying Wheelchair Parts

    Keeping your wheelchair in top-notch condition is important if you want to stay comfortable and mobile, but you have probably already noticed that these parts can get expensive. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks that you can follow to save money, so try these ideas if you want to save as much as possible while still keeping your wheelchair in excellent shape. 1. Try Online Auction Sites Believe it or not, the popular online auction sites often have plenty of parts of a wheelchair for sale.
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  • 3 Reasons Why A 3D Ultrasound Is Right For You

    Finding out you are expecting can be one of the most exciting times in your life. You are filled with emotions. From excitement to worry, it seems as if you cannot get all of your emotions in check during this pivotal time in your life. Week after week, you go through your pregnancy doing everything you can to make sure your baby is healthy and growing stronger with each passing day.
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  • 3 Plastic Surgeries for Men that You've Never Heard Of

    If you're like most people, you probably think of plastic surgery as something that women do. In fact, women are the ones getting more than 90% of all plastic surgery procedures. However, plastic surgery for men is still a trend on the rise, and plastic surgeons have developed procedures specifically to appeal to their potential male patients. Take a look at three little-known plastic surgeries aimed specifically at men that you probably would never have imagined.
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  • 3 Healthy Habits To Help You Lose Weight

    If you are one of those dieters who fluctuates in weight and alternates through a number of diets throughout a given year, then you may also experience the frustration that often comes with this pattern. This type of weight loss experience can begin to feel hopeless and even impossible. Do not give up. You are capable of losing weight—you may only need to change your strategies. This article will focus on 3 effective ways to start saying goodbye to those stubborn pounds.
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  • How To Stop Feeling Anxious About Being Nude During A Massage

    Massages can be a very relaxing and rejuvenating form of therapy, but some people are reluctant to ever try it because of the vulnerability involved. Massages usually involve removing some or all clothing, and this can potentially make you feel nervous. If these anxieties apply to you, this guide will help you to relax and control these fears so you can enjoy a massage. Body Issues One reason people often feel nervous about getting a massage is because they feel uncomfortable with the physical condition of their body.
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