• 3 Solutions To Ease The Symptoms Of Eczema

    Caused by a problem with your immune system or exposure to some sort of allergen, eczema wreaks havoc on your physical and emotional wellness. From itchiness and pain to flaky skin that affects your appearance, the symptoms of eczema can be overwhelming. If you are part of the 31.6 Americans who suffer from symptoms of this condition, finding the right treatment is imperative. Your dermatologist may prescribe topical creams that are effective, but they may not offer long-term relief.
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  • Should You Poke, Kick, Or Prod? How To Handle A Snoring Husband

    If your spouse is keeping you up at night due to snoring, it can be difficult on a marriage, and it is usually most difficult on the one that is not snoring. Below are some tips on how to handle the snoring so you can get some much-needed sleep. Sleep Apnea Before you do anything, your spouse should see a doctor, as there may be a medical reason why they are snoring.
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  • Foot Pain: How Podiatrists, Orthopedists & Physical Therapists Can Help Keep Dogs from Barking

    An estimated 75% of Americans will experience some form of foot condition at some point in life. When foot pain becomes unbearable, knowing where to turn for help is not always easy. A number of medical professionals deal specifically with foot and ankle disorders, but sometimes the foot problems originate in some other part of the body. Here is a brief introduction to three foot professionals—podiatrists, orthopedists, and physical therapists—and how they can help resolve existing foot problems, prevent future disorders, and determine if the source of foot pain is somewhere other than the foot.
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  • 3 Upgrades That Will Improve The Life Of Anyone In A Wheelchair

    Whether you are looking for help for yourself or for someone you know, it is important to know that there are many things you can upgrade to in order to ensure that life in a wheelchair is a little easier. Of course, if the wheelchair will only need to be used for a short amount of time, making substantial changes in your environment might not make sense. Therefore, these suggestions might be best suited for anyone that is in a wheelchair for a long time.
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  • Find Out What Is Causing Your Episodic Headaches

    If your headaches come and go, then you should watch out for their triggers. This is because such headaches can be induced by different factors, and you cannot get rid of them before you unearth these triggers. Some of the common causes of episodic headaches include: Weight Although you should not be obsessed about your weight, you should try to maintain it a healthy level. This is because, apart from the usual health risks, being overweight can also cause headaches.
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  • Size Isn't Everything: Using Breast Augmentation Responsibly

    Cosmetic breast augmentation is not always just about making what you have look bigger. In many cases, women get these surgeries to balance out their female form or to repair damage and loss of breast tissue from accident or surgery. Understanding your situation and options can help you choose your course of action.  Congenital Conditions For most women, how their breasts develop is a matter of genetics. You will have inherited this trait from your family line, which may make it seem as though nothing can be done about it.
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  • Tips For Finding Short Term Rehabilitation

    When you are prescribed short term rehabilitation, it can be quite daunting to find a facility that you are comfortable with.  You need to find one that has therapists that give you an individualized care plan, one that will improve your daily skills, one that will benefit your overall health and one that has everything you need in one place.  Here are some pointers for finding the right short term rehabilitation facility that is best for you.
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