Common Injuries To Watch Out For As A Handball Player

Posted on: 26 October 2020

Handball is an intense yet rewarding game. It is also a game that requires the use of your whole body, and therefore, it puts players at risk for a number of injuries, especially if they play competitively or on a regular basis. Here are the key injuries to watch out for as a handball player.

ACL and Meniscus Tears

Handball players often change direction quickly while on the court. If you plant your feet as you turn, you put a lot of strain on the knees, and this can cause a ligament called the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, to tear. Along with it, the meniscus, which is a fluid-filled pouch in the knee joint, often tears as well. When you tear your ACL, it is common to hear a popping noise and feel a sudden, sharp pain. The knee will then feel weak and will probably swell considerably. ACL and meniscus tears usually need to be surgically repaired. The recovery process can take about three to six months, but most patients do make a full recovery.

Throwing Shoulder

The repeated overhand throwing involved with handball can often cause strain to the ligaments in this joint. Over time, this can lead to a condition called throwing shoulder, which results in weakness and instability in the joint, tingling in the extremities, and difficulty throwing. Throwing shoulder usually heals with a few weeks of rest, ice therapy, and often physical therapy. In fact, physical therapy can help strengthen the weak points of the shoulder so that the player is less likely to develop throwing shoulder again.

Diffuse Front Knee Pain

Diffuse front knee pain is a condition that can lead to lingering pain behind the knee, which is most pronounced after exercise. It can occur in one or both knees as a result of the repeated jumping and twisting required of the game. The pain will usually start off quite mild and grow over time. Taking a few days off to rest and ice the knee can usually bring the condition under control. Then, putting inserts in your shoe and focusing on exercises to strengthen the thighs and gluteal muscles can help keep it from recurring. A sports medicine doctor can guide you through this process.

The injuries above are common ones to watch out for as a handball player. If anything seems painful or wrong, reach out to a sports medicine doctor sooner rather than later. For more information about sports medicine injuries and their treatments, go online to websites like
